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The WOTAN® S3A is the Chameleon among our exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines. With 4 sizes for max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity in terms of com­po­nent size and space require­ments. With options such as auto­matic work­piece feed­ing, it fits into your pro­duc­tion processes and thanks to the optional inter­nal grind­ing spin­dle, you catch up with our uni­ver­sal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines. With a changer sys­tem, you have addi­tional options for closed-door machining.

Of course, we opti­mize every S3A with you for your cur­rent and future grind­ing tasks and sup­port you with our flex­i­ble financ­ing options if required.

Key Facts

  • Parts up to 600 kg
  • Dimen­sions outer Ø550 mm and 2,000 mm length
  • grind­ing wheel Ø 500
  • grind­ing wheel widths up to 100 mm
  • wear-free hydro­sta­tic guid­ing systems
  • wear-free lin­ear drives
  • machine beds made of poly­mer concrete
  • WOP-TouchTM user interface

#rollers #tubes #shafts #spin­dles #tools #poly­gons #bear­ing blocks #spin­dle housings

For larger and longer com­po­nents the WOTAN® S6A is suit­able. For even more machin­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties we offer the uni­ver­sal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machine WOTAN® S3U.

WOTAN® S3A 1000 | 1600 | 2000

Uni­ver­sally con­fig­urable CNC exter­nal cylin­dri­cal grind­ing machines for long com­po­nents up to 2,000 mm


275 mm


600 mm

1.000 mm

1.600 mm

2,000 mm


600 kg

Axis speed

0–20,000 mm/​min

Round Tool Table

Direct / exter­nal drive with a res­o­lu­tion of 0.000 05°

with up to 4 tool positions

Tool Man­drel Drive

Rolling bear­ing, belt drive with­out mea­sur­ing system
Rolling bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis
Hydro­sta­tic bear­ing, direct drive with mea­sur­ing sys­tem as C‑axis


  • Pre-process mea­sure­ment (to recog­nise part’s posi­tion and set zero point)
  • In-process mea­sure­ment (Ø mea­sur­ing and reg­u­lat­ing dur­ing the grind­ing process)
  • Post-process mea­sure­ment (deter­mine Ø, check clear­ances, set new zero point, NiO ejec­tion, etc.)
  • wear-free hydro­sta­tic guides for the lin­ear axes
  • wear-free hydro­sta­tic work­piece spindle
    wear-free lin­ear drives
  • direct and exter­nally dri­ven grind­ing spindles
  • sta­tion­ary and rotary dressers
  • with and with­out round table
  • inter­nal grind­ing with inter­nal grind­ing spin­dles possible
  • Coolant prepa­ra­tion
  • Suc­tion systems
  • Motor cool­ing
  • remote main­te­nance
  • and much more